Linn-Mar Varsity Poms

In Loving Memory of Melissa A. Brendes
In Loving Memory of Melissa A. Brendes
Melissa A. Brendes' parents, Galen and Sherry Brendes, donated mirrors for the poms on behalf of Melissa. The mirrors were installed in the gym of the LRC, formally Novak, as well as memorial plaques. Because of this donation the team now has a designated practice facility, this gym is now a 'no ball' gym and can be used not only for the poms but the cheerleaders as well.
Melissa, a 2005 graduate and pom, was tragically taken in a car accident October 18, 2007. Her love of dance and poms will be reflected in these mirrors for years to come by all those that follow in her footsteps.

The Plaque Reads
The Plaque Reads
“These mirrors are presented as a reflection of Melissa’s personal dedication and love for the art of dance, and her belief that the ability to be an inspiration to those around you is a gift from God. May the same love and encouragement that Melissa shared with those around her be embodied in the spirit and personal conduct of all who gaze into these mirrors.”
Melissa Ann - - You are forever loved. December 2010
In Loving Memory of
Melissa Ann Brendes
Linn-Mar Class of 2005
Melissa Ann Brendes Scholarship Recipients
Melissa Ann Brendes Scholarship Recipients

Kendall Sturtz
Kendall Sturtz

Delaney Hannan
Delaney Hannan

Brynn Carr
Brynn Carr

Elizabeth Wild
Elizabeth Wild

Cassidy Burns
Cassidy Burns
2016 - Jenna Printy
2015 - Bryn Myers
2014 - Morgan Vana
2013 - Reilly Trent
2012 - Shannon Sindelar
2011 - Lisa Morgan
2010 - Katie Goodell
2009 - Molly Good
2008 - Katie McNeil